Why Not See In Color?

Live alive- sing, breathe, taste, touch the world around you.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Where is the color?

I really wanted to have a blog.  There's always some witty conversation I wish I could share- mostly because it's all in my head.  (Scary).  My sister's blog always makes me smile (which I think is the point- what with it being "happy thoughts" and all), and I was thinking about how healthy it is to look for something positive everyday and record it, and for me, my happy thought is color. 

My room is red.  Like, red.  When I pick yarn for new projects, I am attracted to strong color.  Neutrals are not my thing, except when paired with color.  I have a bright pink lace scarf and a fuschia wool smocked scarf.  I have plans for a stranded blue sweater and one of my favorite hats is royal purple.  I found this blue-green-gold fabric and had to have it just because it was so pretty (its destiny lies in napkins and placemats for my future life). 

Now, this isn't to say that colors that aren't stand out-ish aren't pretty.  They are.  I'm currently wearing a lovely brown sweater and my headboard is wicker and my car is a neutral kind of gold, but my sweater is textured and the headboard is woven and the car is kind of glittery in the sun- they all have texture

For me, color isn't just a slice on a wheel.  It's the entire presentation.  It's the feeling I get when I see it, touch it, experience it.  For me, this blog will be looking for the color in my life as I prepare to graduate, move, and go to grad school. 

 Kit Carson Park

The lace scarf I knit for Becca

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